To register and reserve a course date for the BMA Winter Experience - Edition 2025, please complete the form hereunder ensuring that you correctly answer all the questions which will allow us to create your dossier.

Upon receipt of your form we will analyse your dossier and recontact you by telephone with a view to recapping all the information received and detailing the procedure to be followed for the payment of the services. The settlement for the course may be carried out by bank transfer, cheque or bank card (additional costs will be applied for the latter type of payment). The stay-over portion may only be settled via bank transfer.

Payment Conditions :
Driving course (settlement to BMA): 50% deposit upon reservation / Full payment latest 1 month before the driving course (or 100% payment upon reservation)
Pass during stay-over (settlement to BMA): 100 % upon reservation

Rue Abot 17 / ZI Plenesses
4890 Thimister / Belgium
Tel +32 87 29 10 20